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process from multiple source

ben.wangzLess than 1 minute

process from multiple source


  1. prepare MergeTree table named yellow_trip
  2. prepare s3 table named fhvhv_trip
  3. prepare postgres table named taxi_zone_lookup

interact with clickhouse

  1. union yellow_trip and fhvhv_trip, and then join with taxi_zone_lookup
    • podman run --rm \
          --entrypoint clickhouse-client \
          -it \
              --host host.containers.internal \
              --port 19000 \
              --user ben \
              --password 123456 \
              --query "SELECT pickup_datetime, dropoff_datetime, PULocationID, borough, zone, service_zone 
                  FROM (
                      SELECT pickup_datetime, dropoff_datetime, PULocationID
                      FROM fhvhv_trip 
                      UNION ALL (
                          SELECT tpep_pickup_datetime as pickup_datetime, tpep_dropoff_datetime as dropoff_datetime, PULocationID FROM yellow_trip
                  ) join_table LEFT JOIN postgresql_tlc.taxi_zone_lookup AS zone_lookup ON join_table.PULocationID = zone_lookup.locationid
                  LIMIT 10"